Monday, October 18, 2010


Sideways is what we call my new house in Richmond, VA b/c it sits sideways on the street :). I kinda like that it it different! Ok I am showing you the before photos ....and hopefully in a couple weeks I will have a lot done to it to show you after photos....but we will have to wait and see....if you know me and my side tilt towards mania when it comes to organization and decorating it will be done unless my helpers slow me down ;)

Oh and there is a little pond in the backyard you just can't see it in these pictures!


  1. Very cute! I want to come visit.

  2. Thanks! Come visit anytime....I still got to come visit you and James!

  3. Wow, you bought a house? It's super cute, and yes I'm sure it'll be finished before you know it...any wallpaper to tear off? :)
