Sunday, September 26, 2010

Liberty, NC!

We spent all day Friday finding deals at a flea market/antique show in liberty, NC! It was fun...the antique show happens twice a year ...and we went down on Thursday and shopped all day Friday. There we some really cool things and being that it was Brandon and my first time at one of these things we didn't jump on everything and we are kinda regretting that, but luckily we are going to another one (a bigger one) in Fisherville, VA on the 10th! We went down with Brandon's mom and her friend.

First we found this really cool rustic wood coffee table that weights a ton and can also be used as extra seating. I like it cause it will be almost impossible to damage it and we go a sweet deal because the dealer didn't want to have to pack it up again!

Next, I found these cool candle holders...they are really tall and would have cost a lot more if i had found them at a store...and I can paint them whatever color I want! Lady Cool is giving you a perspective of how tall these actually are.

Next, I found the letter "A." I always find old letters fascinating and when I found one for my name I knew I had to have it....It is made of metal and is from the sign of an old building.

Here is everything we got featured all together.....we also possibly got a really cool door, but Brandon's mom gets first dibs on whether she wants to use it or not....its at her house so I don't have a picture. I wonder what kind of things we will find in a couple of weeks...exciting!

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