Friday, May 7, 2010

Let Me Recap...

Lets rewind...I know that some of you are reading this and are like, "who is this person she keeps talking about." Okay so here is the story of how we met......

I was in a wedding on Halloween of last year (2009) in Blacksburg, VA. Lets just saying everything up until the actual wedding was chaotic because the bride was mainly doing a DIY wedding and she ended up in the ICU until 3 days before her wedding. So there was still a lot of stuff to get done...but if you know me you know I will do everything to ensure it gets done. Anyways, the bride's parents are like family to me so at the rehearsal dinner I was introduced to the best friend of the bride's mom, Seleta. Little did I know that the plotting had begun!:)

I was told pre-wedding that this guy was coming to the wedding and him and the bride April had a history....I had been given the role of dealing with him if he acted up at the wedding...but I still had no who he was. So apparently, the night of the rehearsal dinner or the next morning (I have gotten a billion different stories on how it went down) Seleta told her son, Brandon, that she met this girl who was a bridesmaid. Seleta says that she told him "she couldn't wait for him to meet me because he met his match." (I am still unaware of anything) At the wedding, Brandon was checking me out and says I had his attention when I danced back down the aisle after the wedding (Mind you we were supposed to...its just no one else did!)

Okay so the reception. I went over to the table to talk to the bride's mom and there was this guy sitting next to her....and she introduced me and said, "Alia, this is Brandon and I saved him a dance with you." I was like ok whatever...I mean you know I will be on the dance floor the entire ok. Once again I didn't think anything of it! I knew my role was to dance and keep the party going (the bride and groom told me this was my job).

The first song, Brandon was out on the dance floor to dance with me and I almost turned him down because he wouldn't put his drink down to dance with me. Luckily he changed his mind and abandoned the drink;). Basically, we danced the whole night and finally at one point he said, "do you want to meet my mom?" I said ya...guess who his mom was...Seleta!! So this was the bride's mom's best friend's son and the guy I was supposed to keep in-line if he acted up....WHAT?! Crazy!

Anyways, we spent the rest of the evening into the morning getting to know each other better. Brandon lives in Virginia, as you have gathered, and I am in the STL...but some how we just kept talking and now it has developed into something bigger than I think either of us could have imagined:). Who knew...crazy!

As Seleta says, "It took them no time to connect and after that they never separated."

In refection on this story, I must say I think it is crazy, yet fitting, and I wouldn't trade it for the world:)

Did I get all the details right B? I miss you!

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